Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Occasionally, we all experience what we perceive as a menstrual period, or unusually heavy bleeding during

Occasionally, we all experience what we perceive as a menstrual period, or unusually heavy bleeding during our periods. Fortunately, what we often think that period is abnormally heavy menstrual bleeding is not excessive enough to really need to be diagnosed with menorrhagia being. br So how do you know when you are experiencing bleeding during menstruation is actually a period The easiest way for you to know if you are experiencing what is known as menorrhagia is to pay attention to how often you need to change a tampon or pad. If your menstrual period is strong enough you are bound to change your pad or tampon every hour or every two hours or more, or if it is a menstrual period, which lasts for a period of more than a week, then you may be experiencing menorrhagia, or an abnormally heavy menstrual period. br A menstrual period can be caused during a period of hormonal imbalance, especially during adolescence, perimenopause or menopause. This is actually the most common reason for a menstrual period occur. br uterine fibroid tumors are another common cause for a menstrual period. These tumors are usually benign, which means not cancerous, and are commonly occur in the uterus of a woman between the ages of 30 and 50. The cause of fibroid tumors is unknown, but known to be estrogendependent. br Another cause of heavy periods is cervical polyps, which are small, fragile growths that begin in the cervix or cervical canal, which protrudes into the opening of the cervix. The cause is unclear, but often occur as a result of an infection. br endometrial polyps are not cancerous cause menstrual period. These are growths that protrude from the lining of your uterus, and its cause is unclear, although these polyps tend to be associated with excess estrogen in the body after treatment with hormones. br Lupus can also cause menstrual period, and is a chronic inflammatory disorder and an autoimmune disorder that affects the body, especially the kidneys, joints, blood and skin. The causes of lupus are currently unclear, but doctors believe that many patients have a genetic predisposition to disease. br pelvic inflammatory disease or pelvic inflammatory disease, endometrial cancer and cervical cancer are also due to have a menstrual period. If you suspect that one of these diseases can be caused by your period, you should consult a doctor for more tests. Related Posts br causes of irregular menstrual period, often when a woman experiences a menstrual period irregular, the causes that are completely benign. 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