Many women seeking alternatives for fibroid treatment options provided by their doctors are simply very disappointing. As the fibroids are rarely dangerous or life threatening, ie, in a way, a doubleedged sword. On the one hand, many women feel great relief when they realize that the large swelling in the stomach are not harmful. However, it is easy to get the impression that because of this, women are almost ridiculed for making a big deal, with many given the advice that simply should not take all that, naturally, the fibroids shrink over the menopause . br / br Now this is fine if the fibroids are quite small and not causing problems. It might also be acceptable if they approach menopause and can live with the symptoms. Yet many women find it very difficult to live with the symptoms associated with fibroids and no doubt true. With a long list, including heavy periods, anemia, shortness of breath, pain during intercourse, bladder and bowel problems and bloatingnot to mention the fact that his clothes fit No! Br / br If fibroids are causing serious problems, surgical treatments may be offered. These can take the form of surgery to remove fibroids or individual, blocking the blood supply, causing the fibroids to wither or heat treatment. As a last resort, a hysterectomy may be offered. Very often, when any of these treatments are offered, are accompanied by drugs to reduce fibroids prior to surgery less risky. These drugs can only be taken for a short period of time because they have unpleasant side effects including the risk of osteoporosis, thinning and drying of vaginal tissues, facial wrinkles and other menopausal symptoms like night sweats and memory loss short term. As if that isn't bad enough, surgical treatments (except a hysterectomy), are not considered permanent and fibroids may grow back unless something is done to address what caused them in the first place! Br / br There are alternative treatments for fibroids fibroids are reduced to an acceptable level so that the symptoms disappear or can in many cases to reduce fibroids at all. The theory behind the treatment is based on the principle of treating what has caused the fibroids in the first place and once the cause of fibroids is not there, they will naturally decrease. Since there is a cause of fibroids, any treatment must take a multifaceted approach, looking at all possible causes of fibroids and to address what may be applicable in your particular case. One cause of fibrosis is excess estrogen, which is common in overweight women, as an aspect of treatment may be weight loss, as estrogen is manufactured and stored in fat cells. Of certain pollutants may mimic estrogen and are stored in the liver, so a good liver detoxification can be beneficial. Also been shown that women who suffer from inflammatory diseases are more likely to have fibroids, so an approach that includes antiinflammatory foods such as hops, oats, cumin and rosemary could be / br A word of warning though. Although there is no doubt that alternative treatments for fibroids will work for the vast majority of women will only be effective if done correctly. This is not a quick fix approach and require time and effort for you to play an active role. However, if you can not live any longer with fibroids or are considering surgery, it is certainly worth trying and the results have shown that almost 90% of women using this treatment successfully been useful and beneficial / br br