I only use these natural pathways in the struggle to curb the growth of my fibroids because it is the only natural food that there are some small studies or conclusions. On the other hand I am very angry with this information, which some experts (!) Writes in a panel discussion of a great American supplement company that claims that their products work naturally! Have a relationship on the studies about the effectiveness of their product, but when I tried to find the types of contraction as in any formal study that was impossible! Also try to spend my money for the product but it was a complete failure on treatment.That fibroids is very personal and each woman chooses something she believes the decision is in.So yours.I no shrink but I feel that my fibroids not growing quickly, as did some other friends of mine who did # 39; t take supplements and ate meat.I collection of articles read.I I do not recommend anything, but I like that some people get some information as I did . KBGwww.fibroidsecondopinion.com / conservative_treatment.htmA study reported treatment of 110 women with fibroids smaller than 10 cm. (4.5 inches) with Chinese herbal medicine Kueichihfulingwan. Fifteen of the 110% (14) called on women and has had a hysterectomy during the study. However, it was fibroids in 19% of other women, fell more in 43%, unchanged in 34% and grew by 4%. Improved by profuse bleeding and severe cramping 95% improved by 94%. The Chinese medicine practitioner I work with tells me she has success with small fibroids (less than 2 inches) but not with fibroids larger than that. This treatment may work for young women with fibroids who want to prevent fibroids from growing and causing more symptoms. In any case, it is important to work with a professional reputation of alternative medicine that can address their care.MAITAKE ( Q = cache: YDmb3r2_IE4J: www.alliedwaves.com/maitake_1.htm quot; maitake D fracci�nquot; = fibroidshl elgl = grct = clnkcd = 11) Abram Ber, MD, a homeopathic physician who practices orthomolecular medicine in Scottsdale, Arizona, has used Maitake supplements in his practice for quite time.Abram Ber, has been using tablets fungus Maitake for two years to treat a variety of conditions. Using the results of independent ultrasound as a measure of progress, Dr. Ber gave six patients with uterine fibroids maitake mushroom tablets and found a substantial reduction of fibroids six months to one year after beginning treatment.In Maitake general, the program treatment, Dr. Ber is two tablets (2 tablets) (500 mg) * 3 times a day (3 grams) with a range of 48 grams, depending on the size of the individual's ability to actually reduce patientMaitake fibroids in the uterus. Many patients Ber, after taking Maitake supplements for six months to a year, showed an improvement in the size of their fibroids surgery is considered unnecessary.BEETSThe consumption combined with beet molasses is considered by Dominican healers to reduce fibroids or reinforce and strengthen the uterus after the fibroid had been drained from the body. The nutritional and cultural justification for the possible use of beet molasses and the Dominican ethnomedicine was rationalized. Beets contain high levels of soluble and insoluble fiber, which theoretically could affect estrogen levels. Total dietary fiber raw beet is 2.8 g/100 g, which translates into 7.62 g of 2cup, or approximately 30% of daily value based on a 2000 cal diet. A high intake of sugar beet could possibly reduce endogenous estrogen levels through increased intake of fiber. Beets are extremely high in carotenoids, which could possibly inhibit the growth of fibroids. However, no clinical trials have proven carotenoids or retinoic acid in the treatment of fibroids. Moreover, beet could serve as a treatment for iron deficiency, especially when combined with molasses. Boiled Beetroot contains 1.55 mg of iron per tablespoon. A quot; poci�nquot; for fibroids with 2 cups of beet juice with 2 tablespoons molasses corresponds to approximately 12.6 mg of iron, or about 70% of U.S. Daily recommended for premenopausal women. In populations deficient in vitamin A [] retinol and iron supplements their combination is more effective for the treatment of iron deficiency anemia than iron alone.Stinging one NettleIt miracle for me! It regulated my menstrual bleeding in a point.I surprising to read that is shrings lignans by fibroids, but do not know if that's true.I'm taking 3 capsules 12 hours, when it seems that things are difficult and ... I feel like a bird! br br