by Suzy Cohen, R. PhFull article: � You can handle the truth about prostate CancerHere is your list of things that men can do to prevent prostate cancer: 1. Consider vitamin D. This antioxidant may help reduce the risk of cancer overall and the lowest levels of PSA in 25 to 50 percent in men with prostate cancer. People believe that vitamin D as the sunshine vitamin because the skin to a healthy active called D3. Vitamin D is anticancer. What you may not know is that the enzyme that converts into a compound against prostate cancer too! There are numerous studies that are easily accessible by any physician that show how vitamin D is helpful to the prostate. If you are a man, do not let yourself become vitamin D deficient. You can take control levels in any laboratory, the physician only needs to order a simple blood test. If low, taking a supplement of cholecalciferol or vitamin D3 and not the other forms that go by different names. Another reason that vitamin D helps a man with prostate cancer is because D improves how the cells use insulin, a hormone secreted by the pancreas to control blood sugar. What is insulin are related to the prostate Good question, the insulin is high (or the insulin that is rejected by the cell, a condition called insulin resistance) may increase the risk of cancer, including prostate cancer, according to emerging scientific data. There are many, many articles and in a 2003 article on cancer research, scientists concluded that vitamin D metabolism in human prostate cells: implications for chemoprevention of prostate cancer vitamin D. For more information on vitamin D and its effect on the prostate in particular, go to the website of the Vitamin D Council. Link: / cancerProstate.shtml healthy amounts of vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) are also found in seafood and cold water in extra cod liver oil.2. Reducing free radical damage. Ill be blunt: stop smoking and eating greasy hamburgers, french fries, beer, food with MSG and other unnatural chemicals, all of whom assault cells. The quickest way to get cancer in my opinion is that eating garbage, smoke and sit around the house. Their cells have millions of hits a day in terms of free radicals. You can see the effects of free radical damage in any smoker (or worshiper of the sun) and watch your skin. Compare it to yours. Two people who have the same age can look 20 years apart, and if the skin is showing accelerated aging, you bet your prostate, heart, brain and pancreas also is showing the damage. Free radicals have a high cost, your life! The best away to protect against free radical assault is to avoid problems in the first place. Years If it is too late to prevent them (ie bad habits) and then start taking today strong antioxidants like resveratrol, Pycnogenol, bilberry extract, vitamin C, vitamin D and carotene.3 beta. Test correctly. Prostate specific antigen (PSA) blood test is the gold standard of America but, unfortunately, may be normal in the presence of prostate cancer, which give the man a false sense of security. If you told me they would never get another PSA wouldnt care. Because a more precise laboratory test for diagnosis may be to measure the percentage of free PSA rather than absolute, total PSA. Furthermore, assessment of levels of estrogen, Androstanediol, testosterone and dihydrotestosterone, or DHT are important. Why Because some experts believe that too much estrogen (specifically xenoestrogens too, alias xenobiotics (the type of hormone that is toxic pesticides, household items, plastic bottles, etc.) can increase the risk of cancer. In addition, Androstanediol matter levels. If you lower this excess could continue overmedicate.4 problems so do not. Dont overmedicated: Prescription suppress serum DHT reduction, but too much can be counterproductive. His powerful, but very low hormone DHT also suppressed a hormone called anticancer causing Androstanediol more aggressive tumors. progressive doctors know this, so we routinely measure the relationship between the DHT and Androstanediol, which is more important than the level of either hormone alone. A good doctor knows it is about balance. Reduce DHT is useful, but also reduction of DHT is much harmful.Again, lowering DHT is useful, it reduces levels of DHT, which also, incidentally, appear to delay the baldness, the baldness many drugs work by this principle. However, the reduction of DHT is bad and I'll take that. Its the same with anything really. Life is about balance and moderation, too much of something is dangerous. And no disrespect, but these trials just amazes me sometimes because researchers can bias the data the way you want, to reach a conclusion they want. I read because I'm such a nerdlike individual . And Ive got my own conclusion. If you give a rat too much of something, cancer ;) So not all studies agree with me on this, especially the spread studies by pharmaceutical companies that want to sell drugs. Their response to DHT is less and less is good! I disagree with high doses of drugs that deprive you of hormones for many years. If DHT was really the only problem for cancer, wouldnt all men age 18 was ill with prostate cancer They have testosterone levels that are much higher than middleaged and elderly. Their levels of testosterone and DHT is usually clouds (compared to older men) is that tacos are young (if that's the right word and its probably not), but my point is this, men Young people have a lot of T and DHT are many, and have a lot of androstanedione. Its proportions are not abnormally skewed as a man who is ill. And ... if testosterone and DHT was so bad for a man, why isn't this population dying of prostate cancer Because the driving DHT levels low for a long time, it can be a good thing just look at the here.But common sense, a study in 2003 New England Journal of Medicine studied 18,000 men to see whether reducing DHT with the drug finasteride could reduce the risk of cancer, including aggressive cancers. What they found surprised me, and worth discussing with your doctor. In the study, the male participants who took the drug finasteride, cancer recurrence was 18% percent, and of these, the most aggressive type of tumor was 37%. Among the boys who took a pill without a burst (which is inactive placebo) the overall rate of cancer was higher by 24%, but the development of aggressively unpleasant that was significantly lower, 22%, compared with 37% for drug users. Wow wow wow! This is just one study, but its crazy to think that years after taking a drug designed to protect you, your risk of virtually untreatable form of prostate cancer is significantly worse than if you have not taken the drug. Please talk to your doctor because I do not know which one is right for you, just know that DHT down too, suppresses the production of a hormone of protection and this may be one reason contributing to the results found in the New England Journal of Medicine. Remember, prostate cancer is usually slow growing.I want to do is find a very good doctor (of any kind, with the initials after their name) that really HONESTLY know about how to measure all these ways in the right tests, and how to prescribe bioidentical hormones. Yes, bioidentical. No IFS ands or butts. His life is at stake. Really want more synthetic chemicals in you Your hormones can be checked with a diagnostic test offered by Genoa, called the full hormone test and any doctor can call Genoa and order of proof. They just need to fax in their license to prove they are a real live doctor. Many other professionals can request proof, you have to have a MD5. Consider insulin levels. Chronic high levels of insulin in the blood are associated with prostate cancer, especially men who are overweight. Really. There is a link between insulin (the hormone that is used to lower blood sugar) and prostate cancer. Fresh from the U.S. News and World Report, heres the headline: quot; obesity, insulin levels of incidence of prostate cancer survival. Google must learn that because most doctors do not have any idea of this connection. Since you know that, I implore you tolosa weight and eat better (reducing insulin levels) and so, you may be able to avoid medication. Wouldnt you prefer to be skinny and avoid chemotherapy If you are overweight, especially, then you have elevated insulin levels (in most cases, not all) and higher insulin levels reduce survival. You can have your insulin levels are measured with a blood test. Ideally speaking, serum insulin should be less than 5. At two hours postprandial insulin level should be below 25. Your doctor will understand all this.6. Exercise. When you are overweight, fat cells clinging to estrogen. Excess estrogen in men can cause erectile dysfunction, not to mention an increased risk of cancer. Larger men and women have more estrogen, and this may be one reason why they have a higher risk of cancer overall. In women younger than 45 years, excess estrogen may seem heavy periods, bad PMS, depression, weight gain, fibroids, breast tenderness, etc. Of course, these symptoms can mean other things. Now, in men, excess estrogen might look at the ingredients of Viagra. Erectile dysfunction is a possible symptom. Remember that before, I told you the relationship of hormones important It's the same here too. As men age, their testosterone levels. It is a natural part of aging. Get accelerated with the use of statins. But if that same person is exposed to estrogencontaining substances (listed in my book 24hours) or eat meat is heavy (and sometimes meat has hormones in it), then your estrogen increases, in conjunction with testosterone low. Understood Let's talk more about food.7. Consider the diet. Men who are big meat eaters (5 times or more per week) are 2 � times more likely to develop prostate cancer than men who eat once a week. The reason may be related to many factors, one of which is the hormone content of the commercials raised beef.Consider natural supplements to support prostate health, I do not think it necessarily should have all of them, but you can if your doctor regimen.Ask approves the following to your doctor if these are right for you, and more than that, have it as your hormones (estrogen, testosterone, insulin, Androstanediol, etc) to see what you need as an individual. Dont let him throw darts in the dark, could miss the bullseye.Here are the best nutritional supplements I can find for men with rising PSA, or prostate problems. Zinc: It is a natural inhibitor of 5 alpha reductase, that is, to some extent suppresses DHT. Your prostate need zinc and how does a woman craves chocolate! You must have zinc to function, and are found in sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds ... eat em up! Zinc is also found in many supplements on sale without a prescription and dosage pharmacies.Suggested: 20 50 mg of zinc per day, ask your physician, since too much zinc will cause a relative deficiency of other minerals. Quercetin: Found in apples and other fruits, this is a bioflavonoid with powerful antioxidants. It can help relieve prostate pain, especially in prostatitis and also is an inhibitor of 5alpha reductase which can reduce DHT to some extent. suggested dose is 500 1,000 mg twice daily.Vitamin D: Review above.Suggested dose: 5000 to 8000 IU per day in morning.Curcumin: Located in the curry spice (turmeric), located in the Indian food. I would like to supplement with this anticancer compound.There are hundreds of scientific articles supporting its use as an antiinflammatory, anticancer compound. It is also a natural TNF alpha, which means it could help people with arthritis pain and much more.Suggested dose is 500 1000 mg twice daily.Lycopene: Its not bullet proof as studies conflicts, but it seems that this carotenoid (together with other antioxidants like vitamin E, and those listed in this article) can certainly help reduce the risk for prostate cancer cancer.Suggested dose: 30 mg once daily . Melatonin: The sleep hormone secreted when the sun goes down and gets dark.Numerous studies show that melatonin can amplify your body's ability to fight cancer. Melatonin need to rest and, of course, with decreasing age.Suggested Dose: 3 to 10 mg dose bedtime.This is significantly higher than what we normally recommend (usually 1 to 3 mg), but when it comes to cancer The higher doses may be advised by your physician.Only take this amount of melatonin if your doctor tells you too, no matter what I've shown here, because too much melatonin is harmful.Natural antifungals: Like seed extract grapefruit (GSE) years of age or garlic, too supplementation.Your probiotic immune system is in the intestine, so if the eradication of Candida and other opportunistic fungi, the immune cells of the body begin to grow again.Your has a better opportunity to beat any disorder (including cancer), if immune cells are capable of living in a healthy environment that is not invaded by germs and Palmetto yeast.Saw was not in my list in the original article published in the document even though it has a wonderful effect in the prostate. but I did not have enough space to say why he was not on the list, although it can help. I can tell here, the reason is that saw palmetto can disable DHT as well (as drugs do) that can suppress the hormone that protects against cancer called Androstanediol that I discussed earlier in this article. So if you are taking this no alternative drug (which is a strong inhibitor of 5 alpha reductase), then I want to do it under supervision, so that you can have your levels measured routinely. Again, the relationship of DHT to Androstanediol seems to matter much. Betasitosterol: Considered one of the main ingredients of saw palmetto that work to reduce DHT. suggested dose 5060mg twice daily. Everything I said earlier about the saw palmetto, applies here as well! Suzy Cohen, R. Ph.D., is a licensed pharmacist with nearly 20 years of clinical experience. The author perception 24 hours Pharmacist (HarperCollins, July # 39, 07) and drug muggers, she is quot; Am�ricaquot most reliable pharmacist, and has helped millions of patients in different clinical situations, such as hospital retail, nursing home pharmacies and through her nationally syndicated column, quot; Farmac�utico.quot Dear, a former spokesman for the National Association of Chain Drug Stores, Suzy Cohen is a member of the Institute of Functional Medicine, the Association of Pharmacists Natural Medicine Pharmacists Association of America. You can subscribe to Suzy's free weekly newsletter or ask a question on its website DearPharmacist. br br