Another common symptom is perimenopause uterine fibroids. Approximately 40 percent of women with fibroids before midlife, and usually are donrsquo; cause problems t. However, fibroid removal accounts for almost one third of all hysterectomies performed annually in the United States, many of which are completely unnecessary. The fact is that fibroids is likely that many will be reduced and may even disappear with menopause.As with estrogen dominance, premenopause other symptoms, fibroids can be largely controlled through diet. It takes a wide range of nutrients to help balance hormones and reduce estrogen levels, decreased cramps and inflammation, and generally improve their physical and mental well being. Increasing the consumption of the foods listed below provide the nutrients needed to produce these grains effects.1.Whole are excellent sources of B vitamins and vitamin E, magnesium, calcium and potassium. Fiber in whole grains absorbs the hormone estrogen, which helps eliminate the body, and normalizes bowel function. 2.Legumes contain fiber and are rich in calcium, magnesium and potassium. I especially like soybeans, that help regulate estrogen levels.3.Fruits and vegetables contain a wide range of nutrients that can relieve cramps, including vitamin C and bioflavonoids.4.Seeds and nuts, especially flaxseed and pumpkin seeds, are wonderful sources of essential fatty acids (EFAs), the raw materials needed to produce prostaglandins.5.Fish contains linolenic acid and is an excellent source of minerals, especially iodine and potassium. Salmon, tuna, mackerel, trout, and are especially good for women with menstruation cramps.6.Oils containing vitamin E help to balance mood, and ease of fatigue and cramps that occur at the beginning of menstruation in women with fibroids. Good sources of oil are sesame seeds and wheat germ.7.Avoid saturated fats, dairy products like yogurt, milk, cheese and curd, SA refined sugar, caffeine and alcohol. br br