Today begins ICLW International Comment Leaving Week! I just wanted to welcome those of you who will ICLW. This is my kind quot; Hi, I'm Tkeys and inf�rtilquot; intro.I have PCOS and fibroids, and DH has MFI. In December 2008, after several rounds of Clomid, IUI with injectables and finally IVF w / ICSI, I gave birth to our first child, Micah! For a more detailed description of our TTC journey, click here. DH I are in our second month of TTC # 2. We are starting again by TTC naturally (with the help of CBEFM and instead of cups). Yes, I realize that this is probably a futile effort. Our current plan is to return to fertility treatment in December or January. Probably start with rounds of another 2 or 3 of IUI w / injectables (why does not) before going for another round of IVF following August.Although my goal is to try to stay calm during this time of TTC quot; naturalmentequot ;, I failed miserably last month and has a case of fools. My cycle was much shorter than I expected and I started spotting at 5dpo (which contributed to the insane), but this month I'm really going to try not to let the crazy things going on in my cycle rattle me, or worse , give me hope. If this month is so crazy, I can return to SBDC until we are ready to undergo fertility treatment. br br