Hello, I had an HSG about 2 weeks. Are advised to take 2 neurofen about 1 hour before the procedure. The procedure was about 10 to 15 minutes in total and have DH with me that was great, as I had someone that instead of focusing on the procedure. I felt uncomfortable and complained a bit through it (due to crampyness and upset I do not like the procedures performed in the areas down there), but still, I got through it can and I had no pain or side effects afterwards. Having DH did not help him appreciate what we women have to go sometimes. I was a little nervous before hand, but not too bad. br I had a nurse and doctor who was kind and compassionate. The dye went well, zero blocks obvious, but there was a small fibroid which was near the right ovary, which may or may not be causing some problems. I also discovered that had a concave bottom / uterus who are not sure whether it would cause problems, either (sometimes a uterus can cause concave M / C, because on the way). My bloods are fine, as currently under the heading of unexplained infertility quot;. br So our next step is a laparoscopy and hysteroscopy, which is on Tuesday (12 / 5). I'm a little nervous to say the least as I have never had before surgery. The doctor said that 50 70% of women with unexplained infertility have some degree of endometriosis, which can be asymptomatic. This will be the removal of fibroids, the setting of the concave shape, and remove all endometriosis, if any will also take a look at everything else that could be happening that the HSG is unable to appear. So I'm quite get a clean, repair and working drive. After that, he says we should have 50% of conceiving naturally. DH and I have been TTC for 12 to 24 months and are delighted to go through what must happen, because we are a little tired of having BFN months after month and the anguish that goes with it. So I guess in my opinion, HSG is not as painful / uncomfortable as getting BFN months after month. There is a feeling of accomplishment knowing that you are doing something active to ensure that there is no delay physically get your BFP! br Good luck and I know that takes a step closer to knowing what happening so you can expect to achieve the desired result sooner rather than later! br Bookmarks Digg del.icio.us StumbleUpon Facebook Google My Yahoo! Laque MySpace; br Previous Topic Next thread raquo; Thread Tools Show Printable Version Email this Page Display Modes Linear Mode Switch to Hybrid Mode Switch to Threaded Mode br you may not post new topics you may not post replies can not hang Attachments may not edit your posts BB code is on Smilies are ON [IMG] code is enabled HTML is OffTrackbacks Panel of The Standards are Refbacks Forum All times are GMT 10. The time now is 05:55 AM. BellyBelly articles BellyBelly br br