What are fibroids Fibroids are a benign type of growth in the uterus of women, more often African American women, usually during their childbearing years. It is very rare to see on a woman under twenty years old, and if not they tend to be smaller after menopause. You can also call leimyomas fibroids, or fibroids and are a type of tumor of smooth muscle cells. Most women do not realize these common growths. br The types of uterine fibroids are submucous myomas, which have a tendency to develop in the uterine cavity, intramural fibroids in the uterine wall and subserosal fibroids occurring in other areas of uterous. Some fibroids grow beyond one of the above areas and should be classified in two or more categories. br It seems that the growth of fibroids is associated with levels of the hormone estrogen. As fibroids are larger during pregnancy and in young adults when estrogen levels would be high and tends to decrease downward after menopause, when estrogen levels fall dramatically. While it's nice to have a starting point for thinking about the development of fibroids, the whole cause of fibroids is not known at this time. br An alternative theory concerning the causes of fibroids include environmental toxins. Some toxins can cause reactions in the body similar to the effects of estrogen, and this may cause fibroids to grow rapidly. This can occur even in postmenopausal women. br Uterine fibroids are not always harmless. They can cause pain, bleeding, and complications during pregnancy. In some cases, can lead to infertility. The most common symptom of fibroids is heavy bleeding during menstruation. Large fibroids interfere with bodies such as the intestines and bladder, causing pain and pressure. In some cases, large fibroids add so much pressure that cause infertility by compressing the uterus spasms and trigger miscarriage. br medical staff routinely check for fibroids during a pelvic exam. Ultrasound exams can detect tumors as yet unknown. Treatment includes hormonal regulation can cause temporary infertility and other unwanted side effects. In the most extreme cases, medical personnel using surgical procedures to remove tumors, including myomectomy to remove fibroids, uterine artery embolization cutting the blood supply to the fibroid tumor or when all other treatments fail, hysterectomies performed. br A hysterectomy involves removing the uterus and thus any possibility of getting other fibroid growth. Unfortunately, a hysterectomy is major surgery, and comes with its own risks, which should be discussed with medical staff before scheduling a procedure. Damage to nearby organs, infection and death can occur at any sugury important. In rare cases, fibroids continue to grow and develop in the uterine cavity, even after a hysterectomy. br Homeopathic remedies are available for treating fibroid tumors. Herbal supplements like Vitex (Agnus Cactus) or tincture vitex reduce inflammation, fibrosis, and regulate hormone levels. As detoxification DetoxDrops (TM) helps to eliminate toxins that cause fibroids to grow, and increase the benefits of herbal remedies for fibroids. br hope this gives you answers about uterine fibroids. If you found this help, you can see some more in depth videos on my webiste, and register to receive a free report on how to shrink fibroids naturally. br www.youtube.com/watchv=tg82FRl7p5Y Related posts: PregnancySubmucosal FibroidsShould fibroids and I worry about uterine fibroids Symptoms FibroidsFibroid tumors can cause enlarged uterus Tags: family, fibroids, fitness, health, health and wellness, pregnancy, women's issues br br