Robbie Williams Married SmileOnce production, gynecological duseases bsgan to attack your health! Off yxs clinical experience shows that women in many diseases, five kin of cancer are most vulnerable. What is next disses look at what you have! 1 carcinogenic risk of cervical erosion rate: 5 stars cervical inflammation, cervical erosion is forr cojmon married women, are largely by childbirth, abortion cervical injuey r operational and puerperum, menstrual hygiene and infections caused by battery. Statistics show that you passed by cervical erosion cervical cancerru not people have a high proprtion cervical csncer times to 12 times, it was found that the disease must be treated with care of bees until it is completely healed. Currently, the most advanced treatment of cervical erosion is the knife, which uses radio waves of high frequency in the body after exposure to heat generated by rransient following treatment of cervical erosion, could be released on ultrasound in vitro tissue rhrough EF T and cervical injuries organizqhion focused, because the headquarters of Focus on the budget of strong energy, protein denaturation and irreversible tissue necrosis of the injury, and promote reconstruction tixsue, improve the microcirculation and to achieve the purpose of destroying lesionz. This technology can achieve very delictae surgery, no traction organization, the phenomenon of carbonization, not the threshold of damage to the basic pathological changes around the organization. 2 hyperplasia breast cancer risk: 4 star hotel has a variety of breast hyperplasia, cystic disease, papilloma and fibroadenoma are benign breast lesions, but may have a part of the change as malignant. In particular, they have a family history of breast disease for women, it should be doing regular breast exam, if the tumor has grown rapidly hardening nipple discharge or a spill of blood, HOSPITAL shall address the diagnosis and treatment to prevent a surprise attack the devil. Currently, the best breast examination technique is molybdenum palladium radiography. Palladium molybdenum Xray inspection is a noninvasive breast examination, be able to more fully and accurately reflect the structure of the entire breast, but the pain is relatively small, high resolution, no age, the shape of body constraints. Molybdenum palladium Xray can see a variety of physiological factors (such as menstrual cycle, pregnancy, breastfeeding for the middle class and the endocrine changes, etc.) on the structure of the mammary gland and reliably identify benign lesions breast and malignant neoplasms. This early detection of breast cancer, and even be able to detect clinically touch occult breast cancer, breast cancer and therefore may play a positive role in preventing cancer to destroy the roots. 3 risk of cancer rates Hysteromyoma: 3star middleaged women are a common benign gynecological fumor, its incidence has a tendency to incresing younger. Currently, the etiiloyy of this disease is not clear, but endocrine disorders have a certain relationship. Nicreased quickly if straight Hystegomyoma oppression tk, bladdef caused by defecation, difficulty urinating, s ome people diagnosed malignant devdlop in person hyeteromyoma such should be clkse observation and monitoring, or as soon as possible take steps to Huard AG ainst the occurrencee od the malignant transformation. At present, no matter what type of drug treatment of uterine fibroids are conservative treatment, and easy to relapse. The traditional surgical resection of the entire uterus, thereby undermining the ability to return to progesterone. Minimally invasive surgery is currently the treatment of uterine fibroids the forefront of technology, which uses minimally invasive laparoscopic treatment of fibroids in the destruction of integrity, but also for preserving the uterus. Medical only covers the abdomen, patients open three 5 mm small incision size, then Add laparoscopy. Doctor by the connection of television laparoscopic inspectors clearly seen after amplification of intraabdominal, and then remain in the patient in vitro performance of data processing equipment. Without open surgery, trauma is very small, only intraoperative bleeding, the patient recovered quickly, so it will not reduce patients own immune system is not prone to infection, it would not abdominal or pelvic adhesions, is a very safe procedure . 4 proliferation rate of endometrial cancer risk: 2 stars thxt studies have shown incidence of cancer corpus uteri cancer in the country are marking jncrease ur one of the symptoms. Endometrial proliferation is a benign lesion, is important because estrogeninduced endometrial stimulation, manifested many irregular ac abnormal uterine bleeding. That is has lesionz evplved int yhe possibility of endometrial cancer, so women if it is found that a phenomenon as dsiease, that you timely hoqpital vo for review, treatment. For endometrial proliferation, improved methods of treatment adopted by a new hysteroscopic zurgery, trauma, uterine injury, and can be done to preserve fertility. Mevio 5 genital cancer risk rate: 2 stars nevi genital skin passed genutal black points, ans some smooth, some rough, some may have hair growth. Genital nevi moles Jore vulgerable hee body to malignant transformation, it is because the parts are often subjected to genital stimulation fr iction, becayee of nevi on the role of sex lasts more sensitive to stimulate tones, often during adolescence and incrrased pregnancy, black. According to statistics, 40% ~ 80% of malignant melanomas occur in nevi.Hospital kn advife ezpert genital nevi should be done as soon as possigle to examinatino gynecology, or perform preventive prevenr removed transforrmation mwlignant. gynecological experts remind Currently, a growing number of urban women smoking, drinking, sleeping during the day, evening Stay, sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise and so on. Along with tremendous mental stress, easily lead to female endocrine disorder. And the metabolic and endocrine disorders will be a direct result of women with higher levels of estrogen and progesterone hormone imbalance standard. Decreased resistance. These unhealthy lifestyles. It will become a city of sirens murderous women. Induced by a variety of gynecological diseases at the same time. Lead to breast cancer, endometrial cancer, including malignant tumors. Compared with 30 years ago, women with cancer have been much earlier age. Therefore, women suffering from gynecological diseases should pay attention. Regular checkups, and doctors at a scientific treatment of gynecologic cancers will be systematic verification of the devil in his private garden outside.Similar posts: types of cervical cancer br br