My decision to accompany a colleague to a breast exam because I was too scared also prompted me to get one yourself. I had had 2 fibroids removed when I was younger and the doctors and said that when he reaches 40 you had to do regular checkups.I not know anyone who might have had breast cancer my mother never went to breast detection. Nor have any of my younger sisters. My mother's mother died when she was young, yet no one knew what became extinct. So medical care was very primitive and very expensive.The radiologist who did the ultrasound and mammography found some irregularities and seems to monitor very accurate with a specialist. To cut the story, my specialist a kind and softspoken fellow had a biopsy and said that one was certainly abnormal growths. If it was cancerous, she had need of treatment depending on the severity.I I wondered how I felt somehow I think I was prepared for any news, given that breast cancer can affect anyone any age. My best friends were more worried about me, I think. Although at one point, in the taxi I felt a little sorry for myself and was a little teary. However, what it is you have to get on with life as best we can. It makes no sense discouraged by the quot; how and qu�quot;. Quot ask me, why not Quot;. God knows how many other tumors that may have little in each of our bodies if we were really manic and check.Yet deign, I think we should have and live our life fully. My next blog will be about what I do we are all here temporarily. Let us ask what is the legacy we leave behind. br br